2nd Award Winners
Game Summary
Embark on a vengeful quest with Valhalla in "KILLA," where a single clue leads you to a mysterious island. Dive into a 3D adventure world using unique skills like "Resonance" and "Dreams" to solve the mystery of your mentor's death. Navigate the enigmatic island of Yips, unveil its secrets, and kill the La. Your decisions carve the path to multiple endings.
Fall into paranoia, suspect everyone, and finally, "Kill the La".
Fall into paranoia, suspect everyone, and finally, "Kill the La".
- Platforms
- Steam
- Languages
- Korean, Japanese, English
- Genre
- Story Adventure
- Release
- Q2 2025
- Players
- 1
- Developer(s)
- Black Tangerine
- Awards/
Nominations -
2023/08/27 : BIC(Busan Indie Connect) Nominated in the Story Division.
2023/12/03 : BurningBeaver This Year's Burning Beaver Honoree.
2024/07 : Indiecraft Challenger Division Top 3.
2024/08 : GIGDC General Division Grand Prize. - Award Winner Documentary
- + Medium (Korean) + Medium (English)
2024/03/02Won the prize in the 2nd contest
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