Interview with the 2nd contest award winner REBUILD GAMES.
We have published an interview with “REBUILD GAMES,” the development team of “SUMMER ROAD,” a winning title in the 2nd GYAAR Studio Indie Game Contest, on note and Medium.
The Japanese version is available on note, and the English version is available on Medium.
We really hope you enjoy getting to know the inspiring people behind indie games!
+ note (Japanese)
+ Medium (English)
The Japanese version is available on note, and the English version is available on Medium.
We really hope you enjoy getting to know the inspiring people behind indie games!
+ note (Japanese)
- 『サマーロード』憧れを再び:ガムシャラなゲーム作りと面白さの『リビルド』【受賞者ドキュメンタリー第11弾】【前編】
- 『サマーロード』憧れを再び:ガムシャラなゲーム作りと面白さの『リビルド』【受賞者ドキュメンタリー第11弾】【後編】
+ Medium (English)