GYAAR Studio logo
Phoenixx logo


Venue Map

Exhibit at Hall 9-11 Indie Game Area [C30]
The GYAAR Studio logo is on the Phoenixx/GYAAR Studio booth

Venue Map

Access to the venue

Booth Map
Booth Map
  • Get a free GYAAR Studio special tote bag at the booth! As the number is limited, we may not be able to deliver it to you all. Thank you for your understanding.
  • At the GYAAR Studio booth, we have games from various genres. We will be showcaing some titles for the first time, so those who have visited us before are also welcome to come back!
  • There will also be stage events inside the booth on the public days only. Please stop by!
  • If the game you wish to try is currently being played, please wait in line at the back.
  • Eating and drinking is prohibited inside the booth. Thank you for your understanding.
  • If you have any questions, please feel free to ask a staff member wearing a GYAAR Studio T-shirt.